Sound On Probation

A subtle sadistic pleasure pervades yours truly when a release of electronica / laptop music transpiring pretentiousness and lack of significance appears on my table, ready to be knocked to oblivion. Nevertheless, I’m happier when the same congested areas produce records with a value (as in this time), not only capable of sustaining our attention – and, at 72-plus minutes, you do need concentration – but encouraging a reiteration of the listening practice. The way in which Sonology is sequenced is peculiar: the first, and very long two tracks are by Kinetix (Gianluca Becuzzi), the remaining four – the shorter ones – by Pylône (Laurent Perrier). Yet it all sounds like a sort of suite, logically connected and with an apparently pre-programmed succession of atmospheres and types of sonority (occasionally coming out of what’s described as “self-generative processes”). It starts with the profundity of ultra low frequencies and the hypnosis deriving from the ensuing throbs; then we have a series of experiments with phonetics – especially female voices, always in French except for an unwarranted quote of Alvin Lucier’s I Am Sitting In A Room. The last half hour includes “irregularly trippy” environments: reverberating buzzes, mumbles and growls, sudden appearances of unfathomable galactic noises and different kinds of asymmetrical emissions and rhythms define a slightly chaotic, though entirely interesting sound world. The whole may result chilly for those who want to try a little tenderness; however, the experiment can be declared successful.

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